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by MistThing, published on January 3, 2001

Gabriel manoeuvred his bike out of the Glenbarr lands. Soon he was riding again on the unfamiliar rough road on his way to Gracie's sacred stones. A hot July sun already beat down ruthlessly on the green terrains and the air stood still, interrupted rarely only by a slight breeze. He made his way up the west cost road heading north, as Kirk directed him earlier. The Atlantic sea shimmered calmly to his west, sending small waves washing up on the shore. Gabriel was drifting again into hazy realms of sleep blended with wakefulness, his driving controlled by mere reflexes and preset patterns.

...Something was suddenly up the road, throwing Gabriel back into full alertness. He hardly managed to slow down his bike, approaching what looked like a dark figure jumping up and down excitedly, waving its hands. Oh, Hell. Gabriel braked sharply in front of an apparently distressed girl, almost running her over.

-"Honey, do ya have a death wish or somethin'?" He studied her, still mounted on his bike. She was a tall, slender redhead, her freckled face framed by a thick mane of short hair. Hmmm...not bad. He was damn tired alright, but not too tired to notice. "Need any...help?"

-"Yah bloody almost killed me!"-The girl didn't sound too thankful for being rescued. "T's my boggin' bike, totally hosed!" She pointed at a beaten-up motorcycle laid on its side by the road. Gabriel got off his bike, not showing too much enthusiasm. He walked over to the girl's motorcycle.

-"How did it get to lie on its side like that?"

-"I kicked the bloody thing after it died on me."

-"Aha...well, ya'll have to help me pull 'the bloody thing' up, so I could have a look at it."

She muttered something angrily, but helped him pull up her bike. Gabriel squatted beside it, taking some time to examine it thoroughly. He then stood up, giving the girl a strange look, which he quickly masked by an alluring smile. "Nothin' I can do to fix this, sorry. Wanna catch a ride with me? I could drop you off someplace."

-"Shoddy! Where are yah headin', then?"

-"Ballochroy." Gabriel wiped his hands on his jeans. "Interested?"

The name had a dramatic effect on the girl. "Ballochroy?" She shouted "Yah real? I wiz headin' there too!" She became even more hyperactive, doing a little dance on the road.

Gabriel tilted his head, appreciating the show. "Anythin' interestin' in there?"

-"Yah kiddin' me!"-The girl stopped acting fidgety-"The aligned triad o' Stones! The energies this place has! I am goin' tah do some dowsing in there!"

-"Huh? Dozing? Ya mean, like sleeping?"

-"No, no! Dowsing , with my pendulum! Yah ken?"

-"Nah, actually I don't understand. Could ya explain, please?"

-"Auch...'Dowsing' is the auld art of findin' water, minerals or other objects that emit some form o' energy -magnetic, electromagnetic, or other energies...The Dowser uses his body to detect this energy, with the help o' a dowsing device, like a pendulum, or a Y-shaped stick called a Y-Rod, or - -"

-"Hold it! Let me see if I get this..." Gabriel looked amused "The Stones...you say they are loaded with these energies, or somethin'...and you're goin' to detect the energy's paths usin' your body as a kind of receiver, with the help of your pendulum..."

-"Aye! That's exactly what a Dowser does! I am goin' tah map the Ley-Lines of the Bellachroy alignment o' stones."

Ley lines. Gabriel felt a sharp twinge in his guts. Gracie mentioned ley-lines in her notes to him. She was goin' to dig deep into it. "Could you explain ley lines for me?"

-"Ley lines are found at most ancient monuments and sacred places on earth...yah could find them at the ancient stone circles and stone alignments built by the Megalithic people, or yah can even find them at yer local church...this network o' lines forms part of Earth's energy system."

-"Oh...fine, then." Gracie mentioned something like that. Gabriel mounted his bike again and gestured the girl to sit behind him. "I guess I'll just have to see ya pro at work when we get there. I'm Gabriel Knight, by the way. You are-?" He started his bike. The girl grabbed her small bag from the ground and seated herself behind Gabriel. He partly turned his head in her direction, waiting.

-"Yah can call me Morgan," she said.

-"My pleasure, Morgan." And I intend to figure out why the hell you intentionally sabotaged your bike, he added silently to himself, whoever you are, Morgan.


Last update: October 24, 2007

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