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by MistThing, published on January 4, 2001

It was mid-noon when they arrived at the small village of Ballochroy. During their ride Morgan's arms were wrapped tight around Gabriel's chest, and he felt the warmth of her thighs pressed hard against his own. A motorcycle mangler and a teaser... He smiled. What else have you got up that sleeve of yours , Morgan?

-"Turn there!" Morgan shouted in Gabriel's ear. Gabriel strayed off the main road, up a narrow track that climbed a hill to a large barn. Morgan leaped off the bike while it was still decelerating and ran to the nearby field.

On the fresh-green wide grass field, overlooking the sea, stood three erect stones uneven in height, the tallest about 3.5 meters. They were aligned in a row from Northeast to Southwest.

Gabriel parked his bike near the barn. Morgan's bag was left forsaken with her excitement of the stones, tossed on the ground just a few steps ahead. Gabriel glanced in Morgan's direction; she seemed not to notice, taking a small pendulum out of her jacket's pocket. Gabriel sneered and knelt down, pulling the bag closer. He swiftly rummaged through it... Nothing beneficial here. F*ck. He looked up at the girl. Maybe she's carrying something on her.Well...that requires some special methods. Gabriel rose to his feet and walked towards Morgan and the stones.

He suddenly stopped, amazed. It feels like...like white light - - - white fuzziness all over - - - He shook his head and looked ahead - he was standing in a direct perpendicular line to the middle stone. He took another step forward. Vibrating flowing energy, a white stream crossing at perfect right angle to the alignment - - Gabriel took a few steps sideways now, experimenting with the odd, unfamiliar feeling. The energy stream was about 1.5 meters wide. Morgan didn't look like she was feeling it, though. Actually, she was looking for the line by concentrating on the movements of her pendulum. Can a Schattenjäger feel a Ley Line, Gabriel wondered. He shrugged, discarding the thought for now. I have some work to do first... Gabriel quietly approached Morgan and smoothly gathered her slim figure in his arms. She briefly lost balance, surprised, and he steadied her.

- "I enjoyed that bike ride, Morgan..." - he said, lowering his voice. He slightly tightened his hold around her. Morgan stiffened.

- "Really?" - She said, looking straight into his eyes -"Well, I had better rides..."

Gabriel leaned his head slightly and kissed her. Morgan's pendulum fell out of her hand to the ground. She bit Gabriel's lip and pushed him away, laughing tauntingly. "Had better..."- she whispered and walked away.

Gabriel smiled. "You dropped your pendulum."

She slowly walked back and knelt to pick it up, giving Gabriel a harsh predatory look. He observed her as she went back to the stones and concentrated on her dowsing again. He then circled the stones, so she wouldn't see him, and pulled out his newly obtained loot. Pickpocketing is a handy talent. He searched through the small flat wallet that he managed to pull out of Morgan's jacket when he was kissing her. No money bills... Wait. Is this an I.D. of some sort? He observed closely the square document, with Morgan's picture impressed on it. The name said, 'Morrigan Campbell'. Morrigan? Didn't she say 'Morgan'? Does this slight difference matter? Gabriel shrugged. Campbell, huh? What's that, another clan? Damn it. He shoved the wallet into his jeans for now, together with Gracie's notebook. I'll get this wallet back later. Unthinkingly, he leaned on the middle stone, resting his hand against it. Electricity shot down through his body, heaving him out of balance - - -

He was standing on the edge of a cliff once more. He recognized it from his dream, and from his fight with Saunders... It felt different now. The sea was dark and stormy, and fog was gathering from down below. The skies were crimson red, the air hazy and thick. He sensed pending disaster. The ancient warrior was observing the sea, his hair and light chain armor swung wildly by the violent airstreams. He cited in Gaelic, but Gabriel could grasp what the words meant...

Beware the alignment of the three - - -

The warrior's lips formed more words, stifled by the wind's loud humming. He strained to listen - - -

...Gabriel fell to the ground, shaken. The real world shifted back into focus around him as the intense vision slowly faded away. Morgan - Morrigan - was standing above him, curious. "Fer a brief minute there, yah weren't respondin'... where did yer mind wander, Gabriel?"

He raised his head to look at her, suddenly terrified to find that harsh, predatory look in her eyes again.


Last update: October 24, 2007

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